Journal Papers

Book Chapters

Conference Presentations

  • Fahey RA (2022), 日本のSNSにおける政治的分極化と『フェイク・ニュース』を流布する傾向 (Political polarisation and the tendency to spread ‘fake news’ on Japanese social media platforms), 2022年度日本政治学会研究大会 (Japanese Political Science Association 2022 Conference) [Kyoto, Japan] [in Japanese]

  • Fahey RA (2022), Tracing the spread of conspiracy theories and fake news over social media platforms in Japan, Socioeconomic Networks and Network Science Workshop 2022 [Online]

  • Fahey RA (2020), 日本におけるポピュリズムと陰謀論の信念 (Populism and Conspiracy Belief in Japan), 世論調査協会研究大会 (Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference) [Online] [in Japanese]

  • Hino A, Fahey RA, Camatarri S, Jungkunz S (2020), Belief in Conspiracy Theories and Socio-Political Identity in Japan, APSA General Meeting 2020 [Online]

  • Fahey RA, Camatarri S (2020), From Filter Bubble to Social Cleavage: Online Polarisation Across Nations, APSA General Meeting 2020 [Online]

  • Fahey RA, Hino A, Jungkunz S (2019), Populism and Political Trust in Europe and Japan, 3rd EU-Japan Conference: Democracy at the Crossroads: Populism and its Consequences on Political Trust [Brussels, Belgium]

  • Fahey RA, Hino A, Jungkunz S (2019), Populist Attitudes and Party Preferences in Japan, Northeast Workshop on Japanese Politics [Dartmouth NH, USA]

  • Fahey RA, Measuring Societal Polarisation in Multiple Dimensions using Social Media Data, Values in European and Japanese Politics Conference [Brussels, Belgium]

  • Fahey RA, Ueda M (2019), Online Discussion of Suicide and its Real-World Effects, Society as Data Symposium [Tokyo, Japan]

  • Fahey RA (2018), Estimating the True Beliefs of Voters from Social Media Data: A Case Study of the 2017 Japanese Election, 世論調査協会研究大会 (Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference) [Tokyo, Japan]

  • Fahey RA (2018), Exploring Support for Japan’s New Opposition Parties with Twitter Data, APSA General Meeting 2018 [Boston MA, USA]

  • Fahey RA (2018), Populist Sentiment in Japan’s 2017 General Election: Evidence from Social Media, ECPR General Meeting 2018 [Hamburg, Germany]


  • Doctoral Dissertation (2021): Party Control and its Effects on Factions, Media and Citizens: The Case of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party under the Second Abe Administration, Waseda University Graduate School of Political Science, Tokyo, Japan

  • Masters Dissertation (2015): Patterns of Twitter Adoption and Usage in Japanese Local Election Campaigns, Waseda University Graduate School of Political Science, Tokyo, Japan

  • Undergraduate Dissertation (2012): Breaking the Silence: The Emerging Debate on Capital Punishment in Japan, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) School of Languages and Cultures